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Laura Darcus Cramer

Født 8 Aug. 1888 Scofield, Carbon County, Utah, USA
Død 19 Apr. 1927 Elmo, Emery County, Utah, USA
8 Aug. 1888
Scofield, Carbon County, Utah, USA
29 Aug. 1854
Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
17 Sep. 1811
Underup, Underup sogn, Nim hrd.
17 Mar. 1771
Viborg Tugthus
15 Apr. 1818
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
10 Sep. 1788
Østerhåb, Hatting sogn, Hatting hrd.
Dec. 1792
Urlev sogn, Hatting hrd.
18 Jun. 1861
Ålborg sogn, Fleskum hrd.
Familie med William James Atwood
James Leo Atwood 27 Apr. 1906 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Laura Atwood 8 Feb. 1909 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Harold LaVar Atwood 17 Feb. 1910 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
William Dean Atwood 20 Jun. 1912 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Violet Matilda Atwood 23 Jan. 1915 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Woodrow Atwood 19 Maj 1917 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Melrose Atwood 22 Okt. 1919 Elmo, Emery County, Utah, USA
Clemont Antone Atwood 22 Mar. 1922 Elmo, Emery County, Utah, USA
Sydonia Atwood 7 Okt. 1924 Elmo, Emery County, Utah, USA
Freddie Delon Atwood 10 Feb. 1927 Elmo, Emery County, Utah, USA
Vielse 4 Maj 1905 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Fødsel 8 Aug. 1888 Scofield, Carbon County, Utah, USA
Død 19 Apr. 1927 Elmo, Emery County, Utah, USA
Begravelse Apr. 1927 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
She was born to Anton Peter and Pauline Matilda Hjorth Cramer. She was their 4th child and 2nd daughter.

She married William James Atwood 04 May 1905 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.

Together they had the following children: James Leo, Laura, Harold LaVar, William Dean, Violet Matilda, Woodrow, Clemont Antone, Sydonia, and Freddie Delon Atwood.