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Anton Petersen Cramer

Født 29 Aug. 1854 Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Død 5 Sep. 1916 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
29 Aug. 1854
Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
17 Sep. 1811
Underup, Underup sogn, Nim hrd.
17 Mar. 1771
Viborg Tugthus
Nordhausen, Tyskland
Nykøbing Mors sogn, Morsø Sønder hrd.
15 Apr. 1818
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
10 Sep. 1788
Østerhåb, Hatting sogn, Hatting hrd.
Ring sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Dec. 1792
Urlev sogn, Hatting hrd.
Urlev sogn, Hatting hrd.
Ørum sogn, Bjerre hrd.
Familie med Pauline Matilda Hjort
Anton Rudolph Cramer 2 Feb. 1881 Manti, Sanpete, Utah, USA
Ane Matilda Cramer 5 Maj 1883 Castle Dale, Emery, Utah, USA
Louis Walderman Cramer 20 Jun. 1886 Brigham City Cemetery, Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, USA
Laura Darcus Cramer 8 Aug. 1888 Scofield, Carbon County, Utah, USA
Rachel Pearl Cramer 9 Okt. 1895 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Fred Oliver Cramer 15 Jul. 1900 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Vielse 8 Mar. 1880 Manti, Sanpete, Utah, USA
Fødsel 29 Aug. 1854 Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Kirkebog for Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Dåb 17 Okt. 1854 Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Kirkebog for Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Død 5 Sep. 1916 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Begravelse 7 Sep. 1916 Cleveland Cemetery, Cleveland, Emery County, Utah, USA
Faddere: Pigen Ane Albertsen i Westbirk, Ungkarl Anders Andersen do, Ungkarl Steffen Pedersen Gammelstrup, Ungkarl Christen Pedersen Troelstrup.

He was born to Peter Johannes and Ane Kirstine Christensdatter Cramer.
He was their 11th child out of thirteen children.
He married Pauline Matilda Hjorth 08 Mar 1880 in Manti, Sanpete, Utah.

They were blessed with the following children: Anton Rudolph, Ane Matilda, Louis Walderman, Laura Darucs, Rachel Pearl, and Fred Oliver Cramer.