GEDCOM-projektet hos Danske Slægtsforskere
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John Andrew Cramer

Født 4 Okt. 1885 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Død 13 Apr. 1909 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
4 Okt. 1885
Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
8 Mar. 1862
Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
20 Jul. 1839
Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
17 Sep. 1811
Underup, Underup sogn, Nim hrd.
15 Apr. 1818
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
20 Nov. 1832
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
Tamdrup sogn, Nim hrd.
Uth sogn, Bjerre hrd.
26 Jun. 1864
Vestre Götalands Län, Sverige
Fødsel 4 Okt. 1885 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Død 13 Apr. 1909 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Begravelse 1909 City Cemetery, Hunstville, Weber, Utah
This individual never married. He is buried in the family plot in the Huntsville City Cemetery. He is buried between his brother, C. Edward, and his mother, Anna C.