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Johan Karl Cramer

Johan Karl
Født 8 Mar. 1862 Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Død 17 Jan. 1941 Bakersfield, Kern County, California, USA
8 Mar. 1862
Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
20 Jul. 1839
Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
17 Sep. 1811
Underup, Underup sogn, Nim hrd.
17 Mar. 1771
Viborg Tugthus
15 Apr. 1818
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
10 Sep. 1788
Østerhåb, Hatting sogn, Hatting hrd.
Dec. 1792
Urlev sogn, Hatting hrd.
20 Nov. 1832
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
Tamdrup sogn, Nim hrd.
Uth sogn, Bjerre hrd.
Familie med Ane Christine Larsson
John Andrew Cramer 4 Okt. 1885 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Moroni Cramer 10 Maj 1886 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Eric Adolph Cramer 30 Sep. 1888 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Sarah Elizabeth Cramer 7 Aug. 1890 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Carl Anton Cramer 28 Sep. 1892 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Sanford Olaf Cramer 17 Sep. 1894 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Olvie Cramer 14 Mar. 1896 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Moroni Cramer 10 Maj 1898 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Charles Edward Cramer 6 Apr. 1905 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
Vielse 6 Dec. 1883 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Fødsel 8 Mar. 1862 Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Kirkebog for Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Dåb 13 Apr. 1862 Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Kirkebog for Træden sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Død 17 Jan. 1941 Bakersfield, Kern County, California, USA
Begravelse 23 Jan. 1941 Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Weber County, Utah, USA
John Charles is the anglicized version of Johan Karl that is found on his birth record.

1900 Census Huntsville Precinct Weber, Utah, ED 182 Sheet 7 line 24: This record states that he immigrated in 1874 and his occupation is listed as farmer. He and his wife have been married for 17 years. At the time 5 of 7 children are living.
He is buried in the family plot in the Huntsville City Cemetery.
John C head Mar 1862 Denmark 38 married 17 years immigrated 1874 naturalized owns his own farm no mortage
Annie C wife June 1864 Sweden 35 married 17 years mother of 7 children, 5 living immigrated 1866
John A son Oct 1885 14 Utah
Erick A son Sept 1888 11 Utah
Sarah E daughter Aug 1890 9 Utah
Carl A son Sept 1892 7 Utah
Olvie son Mar 1896 4 Utah

1910 Census Huntsville, Weber, Utah
John C Cramer 48 married 26 years Denmark immigrated 1874 (incorrectly listed as 1879 when it's obviously a 4)
Annie C 45 married 26 years mother of 8 children 5 living Sweden immigrated 1866
Adolf son 20 Utah farm laborer at home
Sarah daughter 19 Utah housekeeper for a private family
Carl son 17 Utah farm laborer at home
Alva son 14 Utah
Edward son 5 Utah

1920 Census Weber, Utah
John C Cramer 57 Denmark
Christina C. Cramer 45 Utah wife
C. Edward Cramer 14 Utah son

His grave is to the upper right of the family headstone on end of the plot. Both of his wives are buried there. The headstone states the following: John C. Cramer
Mar 8, 1862 - Jan 17, 1941
His __ _ _ __ wives.