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Ane Elisabeth Catrine Cramer

Født 7 Dec. 1849 Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Død 27 Jun. 1948 Brigham City Cemetery, Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, USA
7 Dec. 1849
Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
17 Sep. 1811
Underup, Underup sogn, Nim hrd.
17 Mar. 1771
Viborg Tugthus
Nordhausen, Tyskland
Nykøbing Mors sogn, Morsø Sønder hrd.
15 Apr. 1818
Stenderup sogn, Hatting hrd.
10 Sep. 1788
Østerhåb, Hatting sogn, Hatting hrd.
Ring sogn, Tyrsting hrd.
Dec. 1792
Urlev sogn, Hatting hrd.
Urlev sogn, Hatting hrd.
Ørum sogn, Bjerre hrd.
Familie med Karl Anton Kaiser
Soni Saria Kaiser 31 Mar. 1881
Fødsel 7 Dec. 1849 Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Kirkebog for Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Dåb 3 Mar. 1850 Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Kirkebog for Østbirk sogn, Voer hrd.
Død 27 Jun. 1948 Brigham City Cemetery, Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, USA
Begravelse Jun. 1948 Brigham City Cemetery, Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, USA
Anna became licensed to practice obstetrics within the territory of Utah on the 6th of April 1893.
Her midwife book is in the Utah State Archives as being the first birth records in the area.
She practiced her profession for more than thirty-eight years, delivering more than 1900 babies, as is noted on her headstone in the Brigham City Cemetery.